Sunday, December 2, 2007

Random Holiday Thoughts

First off - I love the huge light displays that people put a lot of effort (and money I'm sure) into around the holidays. Now, there's a fine line between artistic and tacky, but I find even the way-over-the-top displays are a lot of fun to check out. Not sure I'd want a row of bright LEDs outlining Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer on my front lawn, but I get a kick out of seeing it on someone elses lawn.

On to egg nog. Big fan. I get a smile just walking past the dairy section of the supermarket and seeing the cartons of egg nog just waiting there. Here's the kicker to this story - I haven't purchased any egg nogg yet this season. Perhaps today will be the day.

Soooo.. over Thanksgiving I had my 25th high school class reunion. It was a lot of fun! It was genuinley nice to see people I haven't sen in.. ohh..25 years. One thing very cool was that I got the chance to hang out and talk with some of the folks who I didn't hang out with all that much in high school (typically those who actually worked on studious stuff instead of goofing off). I realized how many cool people there are in my class. Maybe if I had put my silly electric guitar down for a little while during high school, I would have found that out sooner.

Ciao for now