Monday, July 16, 2007

I love the nightlife... I've got to boogie

Monday blog entry once again - after a very cool weekend.
Actually got out of the house and hit the town - it was awesome!
I love my kids, but having three kids, combined with working every weeknight, makes recreational evenings few and far between.

The excuse for getting out was a party for an old friend of mine (in full disclosure, an ex-girlfriend) who was having a fortieth birthday party. Michelle and her husband (and kids) actually live in Australia, which puts a kink in hanging out with them very often. But they were back for this and our friends Bonnie And Amy organized a great party at District, which is a very cool restaurant/club in the leather district. Don't feel out of it if you're not sure where the leather district is, I wasn't too sure either. It's an area near South Station, and Kneeland Street in Boston, adjacent to Chinatown.

We had a blast. Caught up with folks I hadn't seen in a while, met some very cool new people, did some dancing, had birthday cake, adn I even read a strange poem I had written in Michelle's honor. In case you're curious, my wife is totally cool with the fact that Michelle is an ex. She had a great time too.

I gotta get back to the Monday night radio show - we'll catch up soon.


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